Monday, June 7, 2010

And Let it Begin With You!

Writing today's inspiration feels like pushing out a baby!



The message today is.... LET IT BEGIN WITH YOU!

Now, what is "it"?

True Love of oneself





True Leadership

We sit and complan about what others aren't doing and dish out advice we have yet to obey far tooooo much!

Instead we need to ask ourselves if we are doing the VERY best that we can do!

As I write these inpsirations, God deals with me FIRST.

He whoops me

Holds me

Shows me my mess

then shows me my passion

and I have to push it out...

but not before I try to embody the words I am writing.


You want your life to change?

Stop waiting on Superman to come and save the day!



Keep your eyes on your inner life instead of trying to ANALYZE every one elses.

You have no idea what folks ( Even your enemies) have to encounter.

You must be the change that you wish to see in the world

Who knows?


Be Inspired.... Be Legendary....

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Truth About Haters....

Dear Diary,

I am an avid watcher of the Mo'nique Show and have been a fan of hers since America called her a "coon". At the beginning of her show she always says that she has to get "something off of her spirit". I laugh because I have those moments too. You know... when the heat of God's direction sits on you like the heat of New Orleans in mid- July. I woke up at 3:52am this morning and I felt something on my spirit. It may have been because Mo'nique had just won an Oscar for one of the greatest movies ever made. Or, because I was tired; dare I say emotionally drained from the subject matter listed above. You know, even Mo'nique has them- HATERS.

I am NOT the kind of girl who seeks attention. In fact, I have a very hard time with getting it, even receiving a compliment. There is a HUGE part of me that is very shy and introverted. Yet, I am a performer. I am a stage baby. Sometimes I think people confuse the stage persona with the real person, but I am none of the things that people have labeled me as.

This year as Miss Black USA has been interesting. I feel like my little group of green people have been reduce to ONE BIG GREEN MONSTER. This monster has decided to make its weapon the Internet, using emails and technology to confront me as an opponent. I am not sure what I did, nor am I sure if the problem is me at all. This monster has been in existence for years! Every Miss Black USA or person who has been marked by God with greatness has had to deal with it. The monster's goal is obvious to me: I want to make Shayna ( Or you) look bad, so I can feel better about myself. I will convince myself that she is an awful person without EVER taking the time to get to know her. I will tell ANYONE who listens to me that she is not worthy of the title and then I will turn around and smile in her face. I will avoid communication with her because then I will be forced to confront my own issues. I will dig and find things on her and if I can't find anything I will CREATE negativity so that people will join in my movement to destroy the character of an innocent woman. I will make her promises that I can't keep. I will threaten her to make sure that she respects my power. And then, just so I can stay hidden from the public that has already rejected me- I will use my computer to tear her down.... especially when I know she is weak.

The truth is: Our BIG GREEN MONSTERS are about to be exposed!!!!!! They may try to hide behind computers, fancy dresses and titles, but this morning God told me to encourage you all because they can't hide forever.

God is in the business of exposing people. He exposed me enough to make it to Miss Black USA and he'll expose the BIG GREEN MONSTER'S in our lives for being so miserable and hurt that they can't celebrate the beauty of someone else.

My monster went from smiling and building me up to tearing me down every moment it is given to do so. Let's discuss what we can learn from my silly monster:
1. MY MONSTER is HUGE in insecurities but small in SELF-LOVE
2. MY MONSTER hides because in its mind the world will not accept it, thus it hates EVERY person that the world celebrates
3. MY MONSTER hides behind titles because they are its validation not occupation or vision. Thus, if you have a vision, MY MONSTER wants to come against it instead of asking you, how do I enhance my vision?


Huh???? You may be saying to yourself.

Yes, IN NEED OF LOVE!!!!!!

The truth about haters is that they need love. They don't love themselves so how on earth can they love you? They are their worst BIG HUGE GREEN MONSTERS in the dark. They tantalize themselves. So, the truth is we will be held accountable for what we know. Therefore, because you know the truth you must keep them in prayer. Much like Mo'niques character in "Precious" we hated her but she left us wondering, What happened to you in your life to make you want to hurt others?

PRAY FOR YOUR HATERS..... I know I do.

After all, just like Jesus needed Judas we need our haters in order to get to the next level.

So the next time they attack, look up to God and say- Thank you...

AND to my BIG HUGE GREEN MONSTER... I love you and there ain't nothing you can do about it!

I love you 4 real,

Monday, February 8, 2010

To Lay or not to Lay? That is the question....

" I've got MYSELF to remind me of Love" - Frankie Beverly

Dear Diary,

He was hot. I mean HOT. Dolce and Gabbanna model sexy. And diary he was here with me!!!!! His eyes were piercing mine and I felt desirable even in my silk head scarf that I wear to bed... he found me beautiful.

Okay, I'll start from the beginning. There was a time diary when I felt perfectly fine with a young man sleeping in my bed. No, we didn't have to have sex. I just enjoyed the yumminess of a man. I would find myself caught between the lust of my body and the lust of my wanting to be held by a man; ANY man. As a child I can remember my mother holding me on her lap, kissing my face gently and calling me her "Pumpkin". I learned from her the true meaning of sisterhood and the healing powers of a mother's touch. I also remember laying on my father as he left his imprint on my mothers couch. I can remember the laughter we shared, but more importantly how brief those moments were. I learned from him to embrace and treasure the touch of a man, because a man's affection is fleeting. Thus, I am not surprised that EVERY guy I've dated seriously was allowed to at some point share a bed with me. No, I didn't have sex with them ( Well, not all of them). But I thought nothing of "laying" with the man. After all, I needed to feel the touch of a man and I knew that eventually the opportunity would pass. So, sometimes it took a few months, a few weeks, a few days- but I would end up curled up under a man searching for the longevity that I deserved from my father. It's the truth, Diary. I have been INSANE about this issue. Always expecting a new outcome when I was going about things in an old way.


With an overnight bag stapled to his grown man dress coat. And there I was, looking like I was officially learning to sleep ALONE for a change. I could barely feel my legs and then I realized I was right back to being the little girl who tried to hide in her fathers bosom to find her beauty. I could see myself clearly.

Tiny little doll baby, hair in barrettes, singing Michael Jackson for fun. There he was laying on the couch in a hot sauce stained undershirt, feet raised high, cigarette to his lip. He was my daddy. He was my first love. If only he would let me lay on him for a moment. Let me sleep beside him to feel his affirmation of my toothless mouth and skinny legs. I'll give anything to have him want me around. ANYTHING. Anything that at my age I could afford. I just need him to teach me right now how men 20 years from now should treat me. I need him to hold me so that I don't let every man hold me or have me years from now. He looks over to me, he looks over at the television, he goes back to smoking his cancer stick. I decide to take matters into my own hands. I feel like a cross between Joan of Arc and Angela Davis. REVOLUTION! DADDY YOU WILL HOLD ME! I decide to throw myself at him. I climb onto the couch next to him. I lean in to lay down. This was the moment. He didn't have a choice, he was going to embrace me. Right? I layed there waiting... waiting for him to say all the things a girl needs to hear. Call them "Sweet Somethings", if you will. But I got nothing but a cold embrace and a desire to meet my need elsewhere.

He was SO hot. His conversation electrifies me DIARY. But, I knew if I let him stay here I would be making him my father. He deserved better than to be my pseudo paternal figure. And I deserve more than a man who is okay with laying in my bed, feeling on my booty and then leaving the next day without so much as a marriage proposal! ( Smile).

There was a time diary that I looked forward to having a mans arms around me. But for some reason... I'd rather wait until I'm sure that I am not using those men to fulfill a desire that they'll never be able to meet.

SO, I guess what I'm saying is I may have to turn away a few more fine men before I learn my lesson. I mean, what would other Lady Diva's think? I can hear you diary.... NO, they would have never known. But I would have known. I would have awakened to the beautiful sun and his beautiful face but I would have still been waiting for him to validate my beauty!


God is my father. He validates my beauty. And he would have known that I shared my bed- yet again after encouraging LadyDivas everywhere to make their beds sacred.

YES. HE IS FINE.... But was it worth YET ANOTHER dent in character?

I've come to learn that I'll never get back my childhood, nor the moments that I wish I had with my father, but I have an opportunity TODAY to make my life shine.... even if it means denying my overwhelming desire to have a man in my bed.

There are SO many sisters out here who say, " Well, I ONLY have oral sex with guys" or " I ONLY have sex with guys that I am in a committed relation ship with", or my current situation, " Well, I ONLY want to lay in bed with a man". My question for all of us is, Why are we doing it? Are we doing it because we want to? Or are we doing to in order to cover or overcompensate for loneliness, depression, past hurts or disappointments?

Diary, I think we should ALL think about that before as we ponder the question, " To Lay or not to lay?"

In the mean time... I'm going to learn for the first time in my life to lay alone.... as long as I have Frankie Beverly playing in the back round... I'll be fine,

With All I Am,


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Who do you represent? ( Dedicated to EVERY Person and LadyDiva who died in Haiti)

Dear Diary,

97 years ago 22 young women found the courage to say NO MORE! They defined the words, " Curse-Breakers"....

My living room is always very peaceful. Even on the days that I bring my drama to it's comfortable floor- it still demands peace out of me. Sometimes, we take the beauty of simplicity for granted. But, this morning I found it irresistible. My eyes stayed fixated on the gorgeous Crimson and Creme jacket, draping my dining room chair that reads, " Dream Girl" on the rear. As I zoned in on the jacket that was given to me as sign of my new found sisterhood, I began to think...

" What exactly does it mean to be a Dream Girl TODAY?"

There I was breathing "NEW" air, staring at my Delta Jacket, eating a fresh bowl of Co-Co Puffs, feeling the aches and pains of the morning resting in knees, trying my best to FIND time to hit my knees and spend time with MY "Secret Keeper". The television was still blaring a story that nearly stole my joy the night prior. However, this time there was a number, " Hundreds of Thousands" of people were killed in Haiti.

Diary, how is this possible? They were here a moment ago? But now, gone.

I then closed my eyes to see the vision of a little girl carrying what little she could offer her family to eat. I see her piecing together pages in a worn down book. I see her determined to read... I see her dreaming of a freedom that I have taken for granted. She is the REAL LadyDiva... she is the real curse breaker...

Diary, on this day that I am so proud to call my self a DELTA, a woman, a LADY, a HUMAN... I've decided to learn from this tragic event.


1. DreamGirls aren't just in movies that are based on the Supremes! DreamGirls are everywhere. They walked the streets of D.C for women's suffrage while ignorance threw rocks. They walked the streets of Haiti, searching for the God in their circumstances. He was there for them, and he is there for us.

2. DreamGirls don't just wear Shiny Red sorority jackets ( Although I absolutely LOVE mine). They wear business suits, police uniforms, and rags. They can't be placed in a box. They are too focused on their CHANGE and making CHANGE. Our DREAMGIRLS in Haiti are visionaries and can teach us not to take our blessings for granted. They found an inward treasure in dreaming... where as we focus deeply on the outward "gifts" of the world...

3. DreamGirls still believe GOD even when things aren't ideal. It's no secret diary, Haiti is one of the most underdeveloped countries in the world. Prior to this catastrophic event, our little LadyDivas there were hurting. Struggling with the same issues that I dealt with, however I woke up to a life of ease- although I pretended it was strife. Those young ladies just keep on moving... and more importantly, they kept on dreaming...

97 years ago today, the founders of my illustrious sorority made it possible to learn what a TRUE DreamGirl is, and TODAY hundreds of thousands of Haitians are no longer with us.... teaching us to hold fast to our DREAMS... and to realize that the ability to dream is a privilege.

They are the ones to be celebrated TODAY... And always...

So Diary, I've decided to wear my Sorority Jacket TODAY with pride, not just because it's FOUNDERS DAY, but because I represent EVERY DreamGirl from here to Haiti....

It's a lofty responsibility... but some one has to do it.

I'm just glad I'm that somebody.

In Sisterly Love,


Monday, January 11, 2010

Embracing the New Thing...

Dear Diary,

I woke up this morning feeling exhausted! It wasn't your typical tired. You know, the kind that was created by lack of sleep or nightmares. I woke up tired because my mind was running in the greatest race of it's existence! Oh Diary, how do I quiet my creative mind when I feel like it is the only thing besides God that is keeping me going? How do I believe in myself enough to make my dreams a reality?I digress. Allow me to explain myself.

My beloved pastor Jimmie Ellis III( charged me to dream bigger than I had ever thought possible. The question that he issued was, " Why don't you believe the promises of God? What has happened in life to prevent you from embracing the "New" you rather than the "Old" you?

My "Old" you is a peculiar young women. She was designed to be a leader but somewhere between her father's addiction and her first heartbreak she began to see herself as less. You wouldn't know it! She achieved, achieved, achieved and made the people around her think that she was fine. But, deep inside, in the place where her spirit and soul found each other irresistible- she was hurting. My "Old" me then found it hard to achieve.... My "Old" me found the it hard to believe God.

Diary, sometimes we forget that we aren't what we do, we are more than the awards and honors. We are more than the bottle that we can't make it through the day without. We are more than mothers. We are more than our bad habits. We are more than our good deeds. We are souls meant to fly free, not bound by chains or painful moments. We are designed to like butterflies, discover our beauty in the intimate processes that God graces us with. They are special... we just find it hard to embrace them.

I've come to realize that embracing the truth about yourself is not as easy as most folks may think. Although we easily embrace our shortcomings, we rarely embrace God's truth. For example, Believing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made or that we were designed to be leaders not followers. I, like most people, struggle to believe this when everything around me says different. Nonetheless, I've decided that it's time to embrace the "New" thing once and for all. So, I've designed a model to keep me focus and I may share this with other LadyDivas as well:


1. Have FORTITUDE: Fortitude is defined as strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage. Lets face it, renewing your mind is going to take mental strength. You must have the focus to see the process to the end. You must know before you start the process that it won't be easy. Fortitude will give you the courage to see yourself with new eyes.

2. You must walk in FORGIVENESS: I know it sounds crazy but walking in forgiveness is the only way to truly embrace your newness. You have to forgive every person who made you question the beautiful flower that you are. More importantly, you must forgive yourself. I have come to learn that when you withhold forgiveness from yourself, you are encouraging the "Old" you to live on! Walking in forgiveness is mandatory if you truly want to see the "New" you flourish.

3. You must have FAITH: I have come to KNOW that that without faith it is impossible to please God, but it is also impossible to live an ABUNDANT LIFE. There was a time in my life when I could barely pull back my covers to see the beauty of a new day without wondering, " Why am I here?". But just then, God came riding in on a white horse and he carried me away on an amazing journey in faith. I now know that he is the solid foundation by which I must build on- not my beauty, nor my achievements. He is the ONLY sure thing in life and that is what we must all put our faith in.

I'm still tired, diary. But somewhere in the midst of my sleepy eyes and morning breath, I feel empowered. Yes, I have tons of work to do... but I'm determined to see the beauty that the day holds. I must work to see what the end will be. I owe it every LadyDiva who is standing between the "Old" and the "New". I owe it to Little Shayna Rudd, a beautiful flower who didn't ask to struggle, but inherited it in order to empower young women across this nation. Fighting has always been "my way" of dealing with hurt ( Especially the hurt from my past that found its way into my present), but in this season I am going to fight for my destiny and for the creative mind that I possess. It's time to embrace the NEW!

And IT feels good...

With all I am and will be,